Interview with Amanda Lickers on decolonization and opposition to Line 9

Out in Raven’s Bioregion it’s Salmon, Four-leggs, Roots, and Berries. Food Sovereignty!!!!

Unsettling America

Amanda Lickers is an anarchaqueer Onkwehon:we cis-woman. She belongs to the Turtle Clan of the Onondowaga nation, part of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Focusing on combating ecocide, hating the police, and harvesting medicines, Amanda hopes to work towards dismantling all systems of oppression, slashing at their social, cultural and material infrastructures.

This interview focuses on decolonization and opposition to Line 9, including commentary on the Swamp Line 9 blockade, decolonizing resistance and cultural revitalization. Including the importance of growing and harvesting foods and medicines, as well as her focus on learning Kanien’keha – one of the strongest Haudenosaunee languages – as crucial activities for her as an Onkwehon:we, or Indigenous person. Including discussion on dismantling the structures of oppression, ways of engaging with decolonization, the Swamp Line 9 blockade and the growing mobilization against Line 9.

With a selected bibliography on decolonization at the end!

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About C.B. Ó Corcráin

I have already fired every round in my clip, but my heart is still loaded. I live in Raven's Bioregion. Díchoilíniú.
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